I am the Co-Founder of the Rikuna project, a project bringing scientific research to underserved communities in Ecuador. It was partially funded by the US Department of State, Yachay Tech University and the University of Illinois (UIUC).
Keep reading if you want to know more about how we found a dinosaur!

We found a dinosaur in the first expedition of the Rikuna project. In the picture, you can see a jaw of a real cretaceous marine reptile! (of course we published a paper here! )
Recommended book: are dinosaurs and Dark Matter related?
Garzon, D. N., Arellano, P., Toro-Álava, J., Román-Carrión, J. L., Ordoñez, J. E., Andrade, P., ... & Jiménez-Orellana, N. M. (2024). First record of a mosasaurid (Squamata: Mosasauridae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Ecuador. Spanish Journal of Palaeontology.

In 2018, the first expedition included some Cavern Exploration in the Amazon!
I am taking some field notes in the picture.

Science divulgation in the indigenous community Tamia Yura in the Amazon region of Ecuador!
Funded by the US Department of States, this section
also included the promotion of conservation, culture and social action with the community.
Solía rescatar animales en Ecuador (perros, serpientes, ranas, aves, gatos, etc.). Por favor, considera apoyar proyectos para ayudar a los animales y al medio ambiente. ¡Sigue inspirando a las personas a conservar el mundo natural!
Si vives en Ecuador puedes adoptar un perro o apoyar esta labor aqui
"La vida del individuo solo tiene sentido en la medida en que ayuda a hacer más noble y más hermosa la vida de todo ser viviente. La vida es sagrada, es decir, es el valor supremo al que todos los demás valores están subordinados."
Prof. Albert Einstein