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I work with at UIUC with Gravity, Gravitational Waves, Black Holes and some other insteresting things!


Fig. KDE of birthplaces of the stars between 0 and 25 Myrs.  Are they shaped like spiral arms?


During a research stay at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), I studied the evolution of the Milky Way. The structure and evolution of the MW are still under debate. Because the Sun is deeply embedded in the Galactic disk, it is difficult to decompose the actual spiral structure and, consequently, understand the galaxy's evolutionary history!

In this work, we used the position and velocities of young stars from Gaia EDR3 and LAMOST DR6 to integrate them backwards to find their orbits and birthplaces. With this information, we study the structures in which they were born!

The second part of this project corresponds to the analysis of the temporal evolution of the vertical motion of the stars in the MW.


Within the first minutes of the evolution of the Universe, abundances of different elements were synthesized. These primordial abundances are sensitive to the Universe expansion rate, which in this early epoch is affected by dark radiation. This dark radiation can be related to the appearance of an extra term, which diminishes with the cosmic scale factor as a^(-4) in Friedman equation in brane universe cosmology!
In this small project, I studied a model of a "3-brane" space embedded in a higher-dimensional space. Later, I calculated I calculated the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis.

If you want to learn more about Higher Dimensional Spaces, check this reference!


Fig. It is shown the light element abundances, Yp, D/H, and Li/H as a function of baryon to photon ratio Eta. The red horizontal segments correspond to the  observational  limits on primordial abundances. The green segments are the result for the standard BBN. The blue line and the black line show the results of BBN.  The vertical gray line show the CMB constraint on Eta from Planck. 

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